Minister Thulas Nxesi on employers not complying with labour laws
27 September 2019
Employment and Labour Minister, TW Nxesi calls for “tough hand” of the inspectorate to deal with unscrupulous employers
Employment and Labour Minister, Thulas Nxesi has called for the Department's inspectorate to get tougher on employers not complying with the country's labour laws before the situation gets out of hand.
Nxesi has warned that: “we cannot in this day-and-age continue with the employment of foreign nationals, and think there will be peace if you are going to take low-level jobs of low-skilled people and give it to displaced people”. Nxesi said the influx and employment of displaced foreign nationals in the country was not of their making.
The Minister said the intention of employing displaced people was a deliberate act by unscrupulous employers to pay them starvation wages.