Failed Nala Municipality: Treasury makes historic intervention
The DA welcomes the historic intervention by the National Treasury to stop financial transfers to the Nala Municipality in the Free State. This comes after over four years of financial maladministration, during which the municipality regularly failed to deliver services to its people.
The intervention by National Treasury is in accordance with section 216(2) of the Constitution, which states that it "may stop the transfer of funds to an organ of state if that organ of state commits a serious or persistent material breach of those measures". It now falls to the provincial government of the Free State to ensure that services to the municipality are continued.
The DA will liaise closely with Minister Gordhan and the relevant provincial authorities to ensure that the cash flow needs of the municipality are addressed urgently so that residents are not left in the lurch. It is essential that the residents of Nala do not suffer any further deprivations.
The Auditor General (AG) had identified serious problems in Nala municipality way back in 2008. These included maladministration, flouting of procurement processes, corruption and fraud. The municipality also failed to submit audit reports and financial statements for 2009/10 and 2010/11, or to complete performance management reports as is required by the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). None of the AG's recommendations were ever implemented, and no one was ever held accountable.
As a result, the residents of Nala have laboured under the weight of a municipality riddled with corruption and financial mismanagement for far too long. The failures of the municipality have crippled the local economy and cost jobs.