Truck arson suspect arrested but true test for SAPS yet to come – AfriForum

Real test for the SAPS will be whether the 12 persons of interest are apprehended

Truck arson suspect arrested but true test for SAPS is yet to come

13 July 2023

AfriForum welcomes the arrest of a suspect in the recent incident where a truck was set on fire on the N2 near Piet Retief. However, the organisation believes that the real test for the SAPS will be whether the 12 persons of interest, who have been identified, will be apprehended in order to obtain real information about the origin and persons or groups behind this sabotage.

“This suspect is probably just a foot soldier, and this quick arrest should not distract from the 12 persons who still need to be arrested in order to be able to determine the root of this evil,” says Johan Kruger, Strategic Advisor at AfriForum.

AfriForum encourages the public to report any irregularities or violent behavior at trucks by calling this number: 066 142 8437.

Issued by Johan Kruger, Strategic advisor, AfriForum, 13 July 2023