EFF in Tshwane condemns City Manager's threats against workers

Fighters say Mettler is using scare tactics to intimidate and bully workers who dare challenge the status quo

EFF in Tshwane condemns City Manager Mettler’s threats against workers

1 October 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Tshwane condemns the recent statement made by city manager Johann Mettler, reprimanding municipal employees for their behavior towards ousted mayor Cilliers Brink. Mettler's attempt to silence criticism and hold employees accountable for expressing their dissatisfaction is unacceptable.

It is clear that Mettler is using scare tactics to intimidate and bully workers who dare to challenge the status quo. The EFF affirms that workers have the right to voice their concerns and hold their leaders accountable without fear of retribution.

Mettler's threat of consequence management is a clear indication of his dictatorial leadership style. The EFF reminds Mettler that his days are numbered, and the power dynamics in Tshwane will soon shift in favor of the people.

City Manager Johann Mettler, it is time to face the music as the spotlight shines brightly on your role in the gross corruption and mismanagement revealed in the Auditor General's report. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Tshwane is coming for you, and your days of exploiting public resources for personal gain are numbered.

The staggering figures of irregular expenditure, unauthorized expenditure, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, and deviations from supply chain regulations paint a grim picture of your tenure. The suspicious transactions involving millions of rands point to a blatant disregard for ethical governance and a callous attitude towards the well-being of the community you were entrusted to serve.

Furthermore, Mettler's accusations of mistreatment and abuse towards Brink are baseless and hypocritical. Mettler himself has a track record of corruption and unethical behavior, and his attempt to deflect attention by condemning employees is a desperate ploy to maintain his hold on power.

As the EFF condemns your mismanagement and corruption, we want you to know that we will not rest until you are held accountable for your actions. The people of Tshwane deserve a city manager who upholds the highest standards of integrity and works tirelessly to improve the lives of residents, not line their pockets at the expense of public funds.

Mettler, your days of impunity are coming to an end. The EFF is committed to ensuring that corrupt officials like you are removed from positions of power and that justice prevails for the people ofTshwane. The time for accountability is now, and we will not stop until you are held responsible for your misconduct and the harm it has caused to the community.

In conclusion, the EFF in Tshwane calls on Mettler to cease his bullying tactics and focus on serving the residents of the city with integrity and transparency. The people of Tshwane deserve leadership that prioritizes their interests above personal agendas and power plays.

The EFF will continue to stand in solidarity with workers and hold corrupt officials like Mettler accountable for their actions.

Issued by Obakeng Ramabodu, Tshwane Regional Chairperson, EFF, 1 October 2024