Court declares Kleinfontein illegal - EFF Tshwane

Now incumbent upon city to act decisively and immediately to enforce this ruling


11 August 2024, Sunday

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Tshwane welcome the recent High Court ruling declaring the Afrikaner township of Kleinfontein illegal. This landmark decision is a victory for justice and equality, reaffirming the principles that lie at the heart of our democratic society. It is now incumbent upon the City of Tshwane to act decisively and immediately to enforce this ruling and uphold the rule of law. The time for complacency has passed. and the time for action is now

For far too long, the illegal actions of Kleinfontein Aandeleblok (Edms) Bpk have gone unchecked, allowing the community to operate outside the bounds of legal and regulatory frameworks. This has not only undermined the integrity of our legal system but has also placed an undue burden on the residents of Tshwane who have had to subsidize Kleinfontein's non-compliance. The extensive use of groundwater, the failure to pay appropriate property rates, and the lack of proper zoning and building regulations have all contributed to significant social and environmental issues that need to be addressed urgently.

The City of Tshwane must act without delay to enforce all relevant planning and building regulations in Kleinfontein. This includes ensuring that the land is properly rezoned and subdivided, and that all building plans are approved in accordance with legal requirements. The rule of law must be upheld, and the illegalities that have persisted in Kleinfontein must be rectified immediately. The court ruling provides a clear mandate. and the City must rise to the challenge to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.

Furthermore. the directors of Kleinfontein Aandeleblok must be held accountable for their illegal actions. The City should pursue criminal prosecution where appropriate, to send a clear message that no individual or community is above the law. Accountability is a cornerstone of democracy, and those who flout the law must face the consequences of their actions. This is essential to restoring public trust in the legal system and demonstrating that justice will be served.

Kleinfontein must also be levied appropriately for its unpermitted use of the land. This is essential to ensure that all residents of Tshwane are contributing their fair share to the city's resources and infrastructure. The underpayment of property rates by Kleinfontein has placed an undue burden on other residents, exacerbating social inequalities and straining the city's finances. Fair and equitable taxation is fundamental to the functioning of a democratic society, and the City must take steps to ensure that Kleinfontein pays its dues.

The environmental impacts of Kleinfontein's extensive groundwater use must be addressed as a matter of urgency. Sustainable practices must be implemented to protect the water resources and ensure the well-being of neighboring communities. The impact on the main fountain on the farm Donkerhoek, which has run dry due to Kleinfontein's groundwater extraction, is a clear indication of the environmental damage that has occurred.

Let's see if the very same city that uses by-laws to remove our people from occupied land will today use the same energy to deal with the Afrikaner racist regime. For too long, our communities have faced harsh and often inhumane treatment at the hands of city authorities, who have enforced regulations with relentless vigor against the marginalized and vulnerable. It is time for the City of Tshwane to demonstrate that the rule of law applies equally to all, and to show that there is no double standard when it comes to enforcing legal compliance.

The EFF in Tshwane will be closely monitoring the actions of the City to ensure that the same determination and effort applied to removing our people from occupied land is now directed at addressing the illegalities in Kleinfontein. This Afrikaner racist regime has operated with impunity for far too long, and it is imperative that city management takes decisive action to enforce the court ruling. The principles of justice, equality, and

accountability demand nothing less, and the City must rise to the occasion to prove that it stands against all forms of illegality and discrimination.

City management must ensure that the enforcement process is transparent and that the community is kept informed of the steps being taken. Transparency is essential to rebuilding public trust and demonstrating the City's commitment to upholding the rule of law. The residents of Tshwane have a right to know how their city is being governed and how justice is being served. Open communication and accountability will help to foster a sense of trust and cooperation between the City and its residents.

The enforcement of the court ruling against Kleinfontein is a crucial step in this ongoing struggle for justice and equality. It is a clear demonstration that the law applies equally to all, regardless of their status or influence. The time for decisive action is now. The City of Tshwane must rise to the challenge and ensure that the illegalities in Kleinfontein are rectified swiftly and effectively.

By doing so, the City will not only uphold the rule of law but also promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and democratic governance. The EFF in Tshwane calls on all stakeholders to support this effort and work together to build a more just and equitable society.

The EFF in Tshwane wholeheartedly supports the High Court ruling just like the removal of Central View settlement in July this year and urges the City of Tshwane to take immediate and decisive action to enforce the law in Kleinfontein. The principles of justice, equality, and the rule of law must be upheld, and the illegalities that have persisted for too long must be addressed. The residents of Tshwane deserve nothing less than a city that is governed with integrity, transparency, and accountability. The EFF will remain vigilant and continue to fight for the rights of all citizens, ensuring that justice is served and that democracy thrives in Tshwane.

Statement issued by EFF Tshwane, 11 August 2024