Tsvangirai's open letter on the Zimbabwe MOU

As issued by the Movement for Democratic Change President July 22 2008

Open Letter from the President of the Movement for Democratic Change, Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai, on the Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, July 22 2008

My fellow Zimbabweans,

Yesterday I signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mr. Robert Mugabe and Prof. Arthur Mutambara. This document commits our three parties to a framework of negotiations that will take place over the next two weeks.

I know that in signing this Memorandum of Understanding, I represent the hopes and aspirations of millions of Zimbabweans to end this crisis as soon as possible. Honest, hardworking Zimbabweans who want nothing more than a life that offers peace, security, economic opportunity, democracy and social and personal development. This is a responsibility that the Movementfor Democratic Change and I take with the utmost seriousness.

This Memorandum offers the most tangible opportunity in the past ten years to improve the lives of our fellow citizens. But, our signatures alone do not guarantee that we will be able to make the most of this opportunity. Our signatures on this document must be accompanied by acknowledging some very basic truths:

We are Zimbabweans who want only what is best for our country and our citizens. Our shared goal  is best achieved in a climate of tolerance and stability, not divisiveness and anger. We believe that wanting a more democratic future or expressing an alternate political opinion should be viewed as a right and not as a declaration of war. No one has a monopoly on patriotism.

We believe that the will of the people is the fundamental basis on which to ground our negotiations.

We acknowledge that these negotiations can only proceed and succeed if the rule of law is restored, if people are able to go about their business in safety, if the public media refrain from using hate speech to polarize the community, if the persecution of MDC MPs, members and supporters ceases, and if humanitarian organizations are allowed once again to provide aid to the millions of Zimbabweans in need of assistance.

For my part, I call on all Zimbabweans who believe in the ideals of democracy as espoused by the MDC, to continue to abide by the rule of law, to live in a spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness in the knowledge thatif we work together in this spirit, a better future lies ahead and justice will prevail.

Yesterday, we committed ourselves to a process that presents the framework in which we can strive to find a solution to the Zimbabwe crisis. This is just the first step on a journey whose duration and success is dependent on the sincerity and good faith of all parties involved.

In the spirit of a shared vision to heal our nation, I call upon my fellow signatories to join me in putting aside our differences andacknowledging that we have a responsibility to the people of Zimbabwe to show true leadership and to find agreement that will bring an end to the violence, polarisation, poverty and fear in which we have all been living for too long. Our fellow countrymen and women look to us to find common ground that willallow us, as a nation, to chart a democratic path forward.

We must acknowledge that the outcome of these negotiations will not be acceptable until it has been endorsed by Zimbabwean civil society,the trade unions and the people themselves. We are not here to form an elitist pact, but rather to represent the hopes and aspirations of each citizen and every stakeholder. This is my commitment to our partners who have struggled with us for a more democratic form of government.

To the people of Zimbabwe I say, have courage, be strong, better days lie ahead.

The heart of the entire world is broken by what has happened in our country, and your bravery is praised among all peoples everywhere.  The world stands ready to join us in rebuilding our nation and restoring what has been lost, once our peace and freedom are re-established.

May God bless Zimbabwe.

Morgan Tsvangirai
President MDC

Statement issued by the Movement for Democratic Change July 22 2008