Two men sentenced to life for killing father and son in farm attack – NPA

Tshidiso Bochedi and Mojalefa Modise convicted of murder of Pieter and Eddie Hills in November 2020

Two men sentenced to life for killing father and son

20 February 2023

The High Court of South Africa: Free State Division, sentenced two men to two life terms each after they were convicted of killing a father and his son at their farm in Hennenman. Acting Judge Anthia Ramos sentenced Tshidiso Bochedi and Mojalefa Modise, for killing the56-year-old Pieter Hills and his 26-year-old son Eddie, at the Zwartpan farm on 05 November 2020.,

The four men went to the farm with the intention of stealing sheep but decided to rob the family when they could not find any sheep. The accused entered the house, stabbed Pieter several times and shot Eddie before demanding the keys for the safe. Pieter died at the scene and Eddie was transported to a hospital, but he succumbed to his injuries few days later. One of the suspects became a state witness and the second one was found hanging in his cell after they were arrested. Bochedi and Modise faced a trial after they both pleaded not guilty but, after the prosecution had led testimony of seven witnesses, they made admissions that changed their pleas to guilty.

In aggravation, State Prosecutor, Adv. Sandile Mthethwa, requested the court to sentence the accused to life imprisonment as a prescribed sentence that the court should impose because they failed to convince the court that substantial and compelling circumstances exist for imposition of a lesser sentence. “The accused killed the deceased in a cold-blooded manner in the comfort of their home and failed to show any remorse. Aggravating circumstances far outweigh the mitigating factors. Two lives were taken away and no sentence will bring back the deceased, but the community is looking upon the courts for protection and it is only through harsh sentences that they will feel protected”, said Mthethwa.

Judge Ramos agreed with the state that neither of the factors presented by the accused constitute substantial and compelling circumstances and the only sentence to impose is life imprisonment for each count of murder and five years for housebreaking. She further declared the accused unfit to possess a firearm.

Issued by Phaladi Shuping, NPA, 20 February 2023