Urgent call for accountability amid increase in farm murders – TLU SA

From May 31 to June 14, 2024, there have been 15 farm attacks and seven murders in South Africa

Urgent call: TLU SA demands accountability amid increase in farm murders

14 June 2024

The agricultural organization TLU SA expresses deep sorrow and outrage over the brutal murder of a prominent businessman and respected farmer in KwaZulu-Natal on June 13, 2024. This heinous act is a tragic addition to the alarming rise in farm attacks and murders that have plagued South Africa over the past two weeks.

Five men in balaclavas allegedly invaded the elderly farmer Tollie Nel's home, demanding money and weapons, and repeatedly shot him before fleeing the scene on foot with five stolen firearms.

Since the national elections on May 29, the country has witnessed a drastic increase in violence against farmers. F rom May 31 to June 14, 2024, there have been 15 farm attacks and seven murders in South Africa. These figures are particularly concerning considering that from January to May 2024, there were a total of 60 farm attacks and nine farm murders. The trend indicates a significant increase that cannot be ignored.

With the new government being sworn in today during the first parliamentary sitting in Cape Town, TLU SA urgently appeals to the incoming administration to address this critical issue with the seriousness it deserves. The political will to combat farm murders and attacks has been notably absent and must be promptly and appropriately addressed, according to TLU SA.

"Farmers are the backbone of our country's agricultural sector, and their safety is of utmost importance," says Bennie van Zyl, CEO of TLU SA. "It is imperative that the new government publicly declares their commitment to addressing this crisis and fulfills their statutory responsibility to protect the lives and livelihoods of our farmers. TLU SA demands a clear and actionable plan to ensure the safety and security of those living and working in rural areas."

TLU SA stands ready to collaborate with the government to develop and implement effective measures to combat farm violence.

Issued by Bennie van Zyl, General Manager, TLU SA, 14 June 2024