Victims of SAPS VIP assault were SANDF members – SANDU

Union says it will assist victims if they decide to institute civil action

Update on SAPS VIP highway assault – Confirmation of facts and SANDF status of victims

4 July 2023

SANDU has since its last statement on this matter established in speaking to at least 1 (one) of victims the following facts:

1. At least 1 (one) of the victims in the assault is a member of the SANDF and the union.

2. All victims in the incident are SANDF members.

3. The victims were en route from Johannesburg to Pretoria when a black SUV appeared next to their vehicle while one of the occupants in the SUV was pointing a fire arm at the victims' vehicle. The victims' vehicle was subsequently boxed in by more SUVs and forced, in formation, to the left side of the N1 highway. The occupants of the SUVs exited their vehicles surrounding the victims' vehicle and attempted to smash the windscreen of the victims' vehicle. Upon not being successful in that attempt, the assailants proceeded to smash the back window of the victims' vehicle and assault the occupants of that vehicle.

4. IPID interviewed the victims on the afternoon of 4 July 2023 and advised the victims to refrain from engaging any SAPS officers while the IPID investigation is conducted. SANDU agrees with this approach and remains in support of the victims.

5. SANDU urges that space be given to IPID and the victims to conclude its investigation while remaining in constant contact and support of the victims while they work through this traumatic experience.

6. SANDU has expressed its availability to the victims to institute civil action which is a decision the victims have to decide on their own time.

7. SANDU again reiterates the condemnation of unlawful police brutality.

Issued by JG Greeff, National Secretary, South African National Defence Union, 5 July 2023