“Villagers forced to flee homes by Zanu PF supporters”

Statement issued by the Movement for Change April 13 2008

Hundreds of villagers in Mutoko district in Mashonaland East province have been displaced from their homes following heavy attacks, arson and looting of property by Zanu PF militia accusing them of supporting the MDC.

Some of the villagers who include women and young children with the youngest being five days old, have since fled to the mountains in sought of refuge from rampaging Zanu PF youths who have leashed terror in the district beating up people, burning their homes and looting property. The militia is accusing the villagers of voting for the MDC in the 29 March "Harmonised" elections.

At least 50 people have since sought medical treatment in Harare after the attacks by Zanu PF militia and 10 of them have been admitted in hospital as their injuries are serious.

Reports gathered by the MDC showed that Zanu PF youth militia, war veterans and members of the security forces disguised as war veterans were moving around the district beating up people for voting for the MDC.

"On Thursday at around 2.00 am, I heard heavy knocks on my door while I was sleeping with my two young children. Before I could answer or open the door, I was shocked when the door to my bedroom was kicked open and over eight men carrying all sorts of weapons standing outside," Patience Mapuranga who was an MDC polling agent in Mutoko South constituency said.

"The group then force marched outside and started interrogating me asking me why I had helped the MDC in its election campaigns and why I had represented the party as a polling agent," said Mapuranga from Kagonda village in Mutoko.

During the attack Mapuranga had part of her flesh on both arms removed.

On that same night, Mahwiza Chizanga from the same village was picked up by a group of ten men who were driving a pick-up truck and was driven around with for more than two hours before he managed to escape and seek refuge at a nearby village almost 30km away from his home.

He later made a report at Mutoko Police Station but the police officers at the station said they could not do anything.

By this afternoon, reports of violence and torching of houses were still being received from all parts of Mutoko district and the police was said not be taking action.

At Nyamakope village in Ward 5, at least 15 villagers have been locked up at Nyamudanhu Hall in the area and are being assaulted since that day.

Arnold Tove (28) from Nyamakope village who was picked up by the Zanu PF militia on Thursday and detained at the hall were he was struck with an axe on the shoulder.

He was lucky enough to escape and is currently receiving treatment from the injuries in Harare.

"I am worried about what is happening to my relatives whom I left in the hall as they are being constantly beaten up by Zanu PF supporters who are accusing them of voting for the MDC," Tove who could barely walk said.

Similar reports have been received from areas such as Centenary in Mashonaland Central. At least 30 farm workers at Silver Stream Farm had their huts burnt while more than 30 occupants were beaten up for voting for the MDC.

Statement issued by the Movement for Democratic Change, Zimbabwe, April 13 2008