Visit to water-deprived areas in Joburg reveal negligence and greed – ActionSA Gauteng

Atrocious that hundreds of people are expected to survive with only one water tanker which is filthy at that

ActionSA oversight visits to water-deprived areas in Johannesburg reveal negligence and greed

13 October 2023

The oversight visit to Valley View Estate, and Robertsham revealed the absolute disregard by the government and water authorities. Residents have been forced to live without water for extended periods of time due to unethical conduct and greed.

ActionSA will meet with both Johannesburg Water and Rand Water to discuss possible solutions to this issue that has left citizens in despair.

Frustrated residents have made several attempts to engage with water authorities and government officials, who instead of offering an workable solution to the water crisis, have absolved themselves.

It is atrocious that hundreds of people are expected to survive with only one water tanker which is filthy at that. Further, no support has been offered to residents who have been subjected to an inhumane quality of living.

The residents in affected communities are beyond angry and fed up. It was highlighted during our visit that there were alleged acts of sabotage and corruption by individuals who are pocketing money by closing water valves.

Furthermore, residents in Roodepoort and Johannesburg South are paying ludicrously high water bills despite not having any running water for weeks at a time.

Additionally, it was brought to our attention that households without access to water had their meters removed and closed due to outstanding payment.

The oversight visits confirmed what we already knew: the nation is deteriorating. Action has to be taken to repair the damage caused to the progress of the country and its people over the past three decades.

South Africans are being robbed of their dignity, rights to clean water and quality living. ActionSA maintains that state institutions should be free of political influence and interference.

Issued by Funzi Ngobeni, ActionSA Gauteng Provincial Chairperson, 13 October 2023