Voter registration weekend very successful – ANC

Party says thanks to those who registered and updated their status to vote in forthcoming national elections

ANC statement on successful voter registration weekend

20 November 2023

On the weekend of the 18 -19 November 2023 the ANC embarked on the Voter Registration Campaign, joining South Africans to enhance a credible electoral system based on the will of the people. The ANC expresses its gratitude to those who registered and updated their status to vote in the forthcoming 2024 National General Elections.

This exercise was aimed at strengthening our democracy and support the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in discharging its constitutional mandate of ensuring free and fair elections. The ANC welcomes and appreciates the voter registration turnout of our young people and the elderly alike.

For its part, the ANC ran a strong on-the-ground Voter Registration drive, encouraging South Africans to exercise their right to register to vote. The ANC led by its National Officials interacted with our people over the weekend, while building on the successful 2019 manifesto review engagements.

We applaud all our structures especially our volunteers for on-the-ground work mobilisation and visibility over thew weekend.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, ANC National Spokesperson, 20 November 2023