Water crisis: Integrated, community-focused approach needed – AfriForum

Communities should be empowered and provided with opportunities to collaborate with the DWS and COGTA

Integrated, community-focused approach needed to prevent water crisis – AfriForum

5 August 2024

AfriForum acknowledges the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Pemmy Majodina’s clarification regarding the responsibilities of local municipalities in providing water services. However, AfriForum firmly believes that the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) cannot simply deflect all responsibility onto municipalities. As the custodian of water in South Africa, the DWS must play an active and collaborative role in addressing the water crisis that affects many communities across the country.

While municipalities are indeed tasked with the direct provision of water services, the DWS must work more closely with municipalities and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) to ensure that these local authorities have the necessary support, resources, and oversight to fulfil their duties effectively. The current state of water services at the municipal level indicates a pressing need for stronger coordination and intervention from the national department.

“Moreover, we believe that the solution to the dire water situation lies within our communities. Communities should be empowered and provided with opportunities to collaborate with the DWS and COGTA to develop sustainable and effective solutions that is focused on service delivery. This means not only holding municipalities accountable but also ensuring that national and provincial structures provide the necessary backing and frameworks to facilitate improvements in water service delivery,” says Lambert de Klerk, manager for Environmental Affairs at AfriForum.

AfriForum calls for a more integrated and community-focused approach to addressing the water crisis. The DWS must take responsibility as a key player in this effort, working alongside municipalities, COGTA, and communities to ensure that every South African has access to reliable and safe water services.

Issued by Lambert de Klerk, Manager: Environmental Affairs, AfriForum, 5 August 2024