26 August 2012
It has come to our attention that the President of COSATU, who is a Nurse by profession has threatened to deal with President Julius Malema because he stood up to defend Lonmin mineworkers in Marikana. Addressing some gathering in Gauteng Province on Sunday the 26th of August 2012, the Nurse, Sister Dlamini said "For the first time COSATU is issuing a direct warning to Malema to stop using the Lonmin mine tragedy for his personal agenda".
What Sister Dlamini does not know is that Economic Freedom Fighters do not take threats kindly and will never be intimidated by Sisters with questionable struggle credentials, who were accidently springboarded into the leadership of COSATU because of factional wars. We do not know what this warning is all about because if the warning is political/ideological, Sister Sdumo will never succeed. And if the warning is a threat of violence, Sister Dlamini should be reminded that he knows nothing about violence and does not posses any monopoly over violence.
We have said before and we will continue to say that the NUM is loosing ground in Mines because this former Union is busy focusing on business dealings whilst workers face massive and brutal exploitation in the Mines. Mineworkers are subjected to very difficult, and dangerous working conditions with no adequate salaries because there is no Union representation. The only thing NUM does is isolate, charge and bastardise Union leaders who are opposed to the self-enrinchment projects and too much salaries of NUM National leaders.