We will be part of the GNU – PAC

Party says a crucial aspect of our engagement in the negotiations is the restitution of land

Statement on Behalf of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC)

18 June 2024

The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) has recently convened and reached a historic resolution: we will be part of the National Government of Unity (GNU). This strategic decision is driven by our commitment to influence policy positions from within the government, ensuring that our superior logic and vision guide the nation towards progressive and equitable development.

Our participation in the GNU is rooted in the belief that the PAC can effectively steer the country away from right-leaning tendencies and protect the gains achieved thus far. We are dedicated to accelerating the pace of development, ensuring that it benefits all South Africans and aligns with the ideals of justice and equality. A crucial aspect of our engagement in the GNU negotiations is the restitution of land. The PAC firmly believes that land restitution is not just a policy issue but a fundamental right and a cornerstone of true liberation. We will advocate for comprehensive land restitution that addresses historical injustices and empowers the dispossessed.

We are confident that our involvement in the GNU will lead to a more just and prosperous South Africa, where the fruits of freedom are shared by all. The PAC remains steadfast in its mission to achieve economic freedom and social justice for the people of Azania.

Issued by Apa Pooe, PAC Secretary General, 19 June 2024