We will not shy away from fighting for people - RISE Mzansi

Party says it will hold the National Executive accountable

RISE Mzansi will not shy away from holding the National Executive accountable and fighting for the people

30 June 2024

RISE Mzansi welcomes the announcement of the National Executive (Cabinet and Deputy Ministers), which means that the work of the 7th democratic administration can begin in earnest, further opening the way for the National Assembly to constitute Committees to oversee the work of the Executive and hold it accountable.

Fully conscious of the need to include as many parties as possible in the National Executive, we are disappointed that the body has been enlarged, with some ministries being served by two Deputy Ministers.

While RISE Mzansi forms part of the Government of National Unity (GNU), we never made demands for Executive positions nor were we offered positions in the Executive.

We believe that GNU presents a unique opportunity for collaboration, and to influence for implementation of the issues found in the RISE Mzansi People's Manifesto. These include:

Ensuring that hunger and food insecurity are urgently addressed Freeing communities from crime and violence

Delivering spatial and land justice that reshape our urban and rural spaces to build thriving communities and economy

Delivering economic justice to millions of South Africans who remain marginalised and poor and the climate crisis is given the urgent attention it deserves to protect lives and livelihoods
As the executive oversight authority, the National Assembly plays an important role in ensuring a government for and by the people, by holding the Executive accountable and passing legislation that will advance a safe, prosperous, equal and united South Africa, where all communities live happy and dignified lives.

The National Assembly and its Committees have great power and authority in ensuring that the provisions of the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights come to true fruition; and where the Executive fails it can intervene.

RISE Mzansi therefore looks forward to playing an active role in elevating the status of Parliament and ensuring that the President, Deputy President, Ministers and Deputy Ministers act uphold the Constitution, act with integrity, and spend the people's money correctly.

Our participation in the GNU does not mean we will rubber stamp all decisions of the Executive. We will scrutinise all pronouncements and decisions of the Executive, and where it is in the best interests of the people of South Africa, we will lend our support. Moreover, we will also push to ensure that there is proper parliamentary oversight over The Presidency; the mechanisms of which the Rules Committee has already begun exploring.

We wish to reiterate that that RISE Mzansi's support of the GNU is dependent on the unwavering and fundamental principles of:

- Upholding the Constitution and the rule of law

- Protecting the constitutionally-guaranteed independence of key institutions so they may serve the South African people without fear or favour

- Ensuring that critical public services are not interrupted or undermined.

Any deviation from these principles will mean us reviewing our support for the GNU.

Issued by Songezo Zibi, National Leader, RISE Mzansi, 30 June 2024