We will probe the secret reprimand of rogue minister Mosebenzi Zwane
14 November 2016
Today, President Jacob Zuma announced that the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mosebenzi Zwane, had been reprimanded for his “midnight statement” calling for the establishment of a Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the termination of financial services to Oakbay Investments (Pty) Ltd.
Replying to parliamentary questions on the matter President Jacob Zuma simply stated: “I reprimanded the Minister of Mineral Resources for the statement.” However, we cannot sit back and allow the minister to be let off the hook with what amounts to a secret rap over the knuckles.
We have to get to the bottom of why President Jacob Zuma: failed to make any public statement following the reprimand of the minister; whether the reprimand included a “letter of reprimand”; and if it did, why the “letter of reprimand” was not tabled in Parliament.
After all, the “letters of reprimand”, sent to ministers implicated in the Nkandla scandal, were tabled in Parliament.