Extracts from the transcript of the Post Cabinet briefing by Themba Maseko, Government Spokesperson, August 19 2010
Journalist: Turning to the Information Bill. Has Cabinet actually considered the possibility of withdrawing the Information Bill and how concerned is it about South Africa's international image as a result of this apartheid era style legislation? You have seen criticism pretty much across the board, COSATU, business organisations, international ambassadors and so on; I mean clearly this is not just coming from the media.
Themba Maseko: The Protection of Information Bill is still exactly that, it's a bill being considered by Parliament at this particular point in time and all submissions are being considered. There is no decision to withdraw the bill, however as submissions come, I think we are not dealing with an in transition Government here, so if there are valid strong arguments being put against the Bill, Government will consider all those submissions and if needs be it may consider what further action it needs to take. At this particular point in time there is no decision to withdraw the bill, obviously if an impression is created that the Bill is intend on muzzling the media and limiting free speech it is something we would be concerned about. We are monitoring very closely as GCIS media coverage on the Bill both locally and overseas and we do acknowledge that the negative stories are beginning to migrate to the international sphere and we are obviously concerned about that. It's something that we think both Parliament and Cabinet will indeed take into consideration.
Journalist: It was two weeks ago that you first spoke about a meeting between Government and the South African National Editors Forum. Has an invitation been send and if not, who's dragging his heels?
Themba Maseko: Well at this stage nobody is dragging his or her heels. We have made contact with SANEF, I personally spoke to the chairperson of SANEF and we are trying to find a date. Obviously there are a lot of international commitments from Government's side, state visits have taken place since the last Cabinet meeting there's a SADC meeting. So we are trying to find a date because when such a meeting happens we want to be able to produce a very strong Government delegation with a number of Ministers participating. So at this stage it's just a question of logistics, finding the time where we can pull many staff to attend such a meeting. At this stage, commitment is there, it's strong, firm it's a question of finding the dates. I will be talking to the chair of SANEF to expedite the matter.
Journalist: On the same issue Themba, I know you are not the presidential spokesperson but when Cabinet says it respects media freedom and the President who is the leader of government goes around and slams the media, doesn't it create confusion here in the messages that you are trying to put across?