Wilgenhof’s future should not be decided based on flawed report – Alumni

Reject accusations of racism in the strongest terms especially since residence was first to vote to open doors to all races in 1983

Wilgenhof’s future should not be decided on basis of flawed report

21 June 2024

The Wilgenhof Alumni Association trusts that the Stellenbosch University (SU) Council will allow for a thorough and fair process to unfold before deciding on the recommendation in a report to close the Wilgenhof residence. Despite being deeply flawed, the report was accepted by the Rectorate and its findings are on the agenda for the meeting of the SU Council on Monday, June 24.

The report, compiled by a panel of three members, accuses Wilgenhof, among other things, of racism. The Alumni association rejects accusations of racism in the strongest terms.

Wilgenhof was the first residence at Stellenbosch University to vote to open its doors to all races in 1983 and has a long history of inclusivity. It is proud of its former residents, such as Beyers Naudé, Van Zyl Slabbert and Edwin Cameron, who have made a significant contribution to South Africa.

Last year the Alumni Association invested nearly R600,000 in bursaries for an array of diverse and financially needy students. The residence places an emphasis on making all students feel welcome. It fosters community, individualism, critical thinking, and respect.

Since the Rectorate’s decision, the Wilgenhof Alumni Association has expressed their profound misgivings about the report to the management and Council of Stellenbosch University. We are of the view that the investigation accepted sensational news coverage as fact, did not meaningfully engage with detailed submissions by past and present residents of Wilgenhof, and does not offer a sound evidentiary basis for the finding that the closure of Wilgenhof is the only option. In addition, the panel has placed extensive reliance on so-called expert evidence to arrive at their recommendation to close the residence, but without providing any details with respect to the content of the expert evidence before them, what evidence or facts the experts opined on, and without making it at all clear whether there were any dissenting expert views considered or even sought.

Clearly there should be further and proper reflection. During the initial investigation earlier this year, the Alumni Association made submissions to the panel, including an apology for any harm caused during its 121-year history. We acknowledge the pain suffered by past residents and students, and that the retelling of such experiences was received as distressing by alumni and the university community. The Alumni Association itself has also been actively engaged in a process of renewal at the residence since 2021, of which SU was aware.

There is no need to rush to an outcome. That would not be in the interest of any party.  The investigation spanned over five months, rather than the initially envisaged 2 ½ weeks. Wilgenhof hopes that the SU Council acknowledges this and postpones the decision regarding the closure of the residence. We believe that affected parties should be allowed to make further representations before a final decision is taken.

The Alumni Association also believes that the panel has not factored in the consequences of the recommendation. There is a student housing crisis in Stellenbosch and the closure would exacerbate it. Wilgenhof and its alumni are also significant contributors to Stellenbosch University – both in academia and otherwise. On a broader cultural level, many students and alumni will experience the closure as a failure of the university to incorporate tradition, identity and heritage into its structures in a positive, forward-looking way.

The Alumni Association represents students of all races and varying ages, many of whom have privately and publicly voiced their emotional concern over the flawed report. We also welcome a petition to save Wilgenhof, which received over 6 000 signatures in little more than a week. See “Save Wilgenhof” on

Should a fair process not be followed, the Alumni Association may have no choice but to follow a legal route, which would be most unfortunate.

Stellenbosch University is a world-class centre for learning and development. We call on the university to show leadership in this matter by dealing with a complex past to create a meaningful future for new generations of Maties, and to avoid an expedient but ultimately harmful outcome.

Issued by Jaco Rabie, Spokesperson of the Wilgenhof Alumni Association, 21 June 2024