Workers embark on unprotected strike - AngloGold Ashanti

Company says workers at West Wits and Vaal River Regions' operations have joined those at Kopanang


(Johannesburg) - Workers at AngloGold Ashanti's South African operations have embarked on an unprotected strike, preventing the commencement of the night shift on September 25. Workers at the West Wits and balance of the Vaal River Regions' operations joined those at Kopanang, who embarked on an unprotected work stoppage on September 20. This interruption to normal mining and processing operations comes amid unprocedural disruptions elsewhere in South Africa's gold and platinum mining sectors.

AngloGold Ashanti's priority is to maintain safety, peace and stability at each site and to continue a constructive dialogue with all employees, their representatives and other stakeholders. Discussions are being held with representative trade unions on an industry-wide basis through the Chamber of Mines. No formal demands have yet been presented to management by the striking workers. The company is following the necessary standard legal procedures in order to have the latest work stoppage formally declared as unprotected.

AngloGold Ashanti will provide updates as and when appropriate. 

About AngloGold Ashanti's South African Operations

AngloGold Ashanti's South Africa operations accounted for approximately 32% of total group production during the first half of the year. Approximately 35,000 people are employed across AngloGold Ashanti's South African operations. This figure is inclusive of contractors and those working on two major capital projects under way at the Moab Khotsong and Mponeng mines.

AngloGold Ashanti is a member of the gold industry's collective wage bargaining unit at the Chamber of Mines and as such is committed to addressing demands regarding pay and other substantive issues through this framework. At present, the gold industry is in the second year of a two-year wage agreement with the latest increases, ranging from 8% to 10%, awarded to the workforce in July, under the agreement reached in 2011. A similar increase was awarded last year. South Africa's annual Consumer Price Inflation is currently 5% in August.

Statement issued by AngloGold Ashanti, September 25 2012

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