Writing systemic tests is not a choice for SADTU to make
14 September 2016
SADTU’s call for schools to boycott the WCED annual systemic tests is yet another attempt at evading accountability of teachers, for which SADTU is notorious.
The Department has informed them time and time again of the benefits of these tests and why we conduct them. They are not convinced, and they are entitled to their opinion. They are not, however, entitled to interfere with the running of the Department.
In their statement of 12 September, there are a number of concerning comments. Firstly they are of the view that “learners are over-tested”. They are supposed to represent teachers, not learners. And even if they are of the view that learners are over-tested, why are they choosing the systemic tests, which take place once a year, to boycott?
Secondly, they object to the amount of money that is spent on the tests, as well as that prizes are given to schools based on these tests. They claim that the money should be spent on developing teachers rather. The fact is that they are not mutually exclusive. We do develop teachers, and these tests serve a useful purpose in identifying in which areas the teachers need developing. As the Western Cape Government we strongly believe in incentives and accountability to drive improvement. The systemic test awards acknowledge schools obtaining excellent results as well as those showing improvements. What can possibly be wrong with that? Healthy competition is conducive to improvement.