Xenophobia: Energy should be directed at relevant people - PAC

Kenneth Mokgatlhe says these are the people who took our land and whom we deem to be foreigners

The PAC is very angry with the self-hatred expressed by our masses recently in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The barbaric attacks have been directed exclusively to African people and there seems not enough condemnation by the international community.

The attacks are misplaced and unfortunate, the landlessness and poverty of African people in this country were never created by our fellow Africans.

We are of the impression that the energy should be directed to relevant people who took our land; we deem that they are foreigners.

We must also focus on the causes of these attacks. The PAC made calls for unity of African people because it is of paramount importance.

These recent attacks also demonstrate a deeper crisis of the lack of self-identity.

Until we acknowledge ourselves of who we are, until we see ourselves as Africans, we will then appreciate and be proud of Africa and her people.

If we had a strong self-identity, we would not have experienced what is prevailing now where Africans are killing their fellow brothers and sisters.

The system of education is also questionable in this regard, does our education help to build a better society, and does it have capacity to prescribe Africanist oriented curriculum?

We are also condemning those who advance self-hatred especially prominent people in influential positions.

The attacks have also exposed the lack of capacity in the security cluster. Our intelligence is not intelligent; they were unable to detect the attacks and should have embarked in preventative measures. This simply means the state does not know what will happen tomorrow, it means they cannot protect the society.

Statement issued by Kenneth Mokgatlhe, PAC Media Liaison, April 15 2015

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