Yet another smoke-screen address by Ramaphosa - EFF

Fighters doesn’t understand how the president, who is an accused criminal, can expect the nation to believe he can fix corruption

EFF statement on the corrupt state president’s address on state capture report

24 October 2022

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is exasperated with yet another smoke-screen address by the mafia State President, Cyril Ramaphosa, this time on the controversial State Capture Report. Ramaphosa is void of basic human consciousness. This is evident in that he, an accused criminal, expects the nation to believe he can fix criminality and corruption. He is dead to the fact that as a State President he should have long cleared his name against the serious criminal charges laid against him. Instead, he has weaponized the State Capture Report to smoke screen his corrupt activities i.e. torturing women, money laundering, abuse of state resources and defeating the ends of justice.

The State of Capture Commission has been further weaponized by the white establishment of state capture, of which Ramaphosa is the vanguard. The destruction of State-Owned Entities (SOEs) for privatization is state capture of the highest order. The thundering silence from the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Prosecuting Agency (NPA) on the Phala Phala case glares of state capture. The appointment of Zondo as Chief Justice after the release of his State Capture Report is high on the state capture radar. The refusal by the ANC run Parliament to use its powers to meticulously investigate the Ramaphosa Phala Phala corrupt and illicit activities stinks of state capture.

Ramaphosa rambled to the nation on the contents of the report that has been in the public domain since January 2022, essentially making fools of the nation that sits in literal darkness. He insanely decided to lecture the nation about corruption as if we are deaf and blind to it. Worse, he is the Corruptor accused number one. The captured media will now analyse this foolish address for the next few days in an attempt to divert attention away from the slandering remarks about Ramaphosa by his predecessors. We can expect to be bombarded with reactions from 'experts' in an attempt to shelve Phala Phala and the on-going destruction of SOEs.

The only address that Ramaphosa needs to make is his resignation. However, his hysterical love for whiteness and its state capture has him running around the world soliciting funds to facilitate another term as the Prepaid ANC President. It is up to South Africans to remove Ramaphosa and the ANC from government by any means necessary. The EFF will continue to fight for accountability and his impeachment. Ramophosa must be rest assured that his days in the Union Buildings are numbered. Through his lip service on socio-economic issues, he expects that corruption will end abruptly.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 24 October 2022