Youth of Kenya standing up against Finance Bill supported – EFF

Fighters say lives lost since protests is a stark reminder of the lengths to which oppressive regimes will go to maintain power

EFF statement on the ongoing youth protest in Kenya

22 July 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) proudly stands in solidarity with the courageous youth of Kenya who rose against the IMF and World Bank-sponsored Finance Bill that sought to impose immense tax hikes on the Kenyan people. We congratulate the youth for their relentless struggle, which has led to the complete scrapping of the bill and the dissolution of President William Ruto's entire cabinet.

However, we must vehemently condemn the Kenyan police's use of intelligence organisations to suppress these just protests, which have now escalated to a call for Ruto himself to resign. The brutal killing of young protesters, both with live ammunition and through clandestine operations targeting youth leaders, is an egregious violation of human rights. The death toll of at least 50 lives lost since the protests began is a stark reminder of the lengths to which oppressive regimes will go to maintain power.

The EFF also notes with disdain the flimsy offer of a government of national unity with opposition forces as a response to the youth's demands for Ruto's resignation and better leadership. This superficial concession is an attempt to placate the masses without addressing the core issues of corruption and misgovernance. The youth of Kenya must remain steadfast and resilient until their legitimate demands are fully met.

Despite the Kenyan government's efforts to ban demonstrations, including the police's failed attempt to prohibit protests in Nairobi, the court's suspension of the police order highlights the resilience of the Kenyan people in defending their constitutional rights.

Kenya's youth-led protests have ignited a powerful wave of inspiration across the continent. The youth of South Africa must not be left behind. Under the new anti-black government of national unity (GNU), the prospects for South Africa's youth have dimmed, and they should expect worsening conditions if left unattended.

The youth must gear up and prepare for the fight of their lives against the rising costs of living, commodified colonised education, unprecedented unemployment, and deteriorating minimum wage and working conditions. Therefore, South African Gen-Z must draw strength from the example set by their Kenyan counterparts and realise that they are in the midst of a battle.

Just today, instead of addressing the genuine concerns raised on the youth during our debates of his parliamentary address, Mr. Phala Phala dismissed the EFF's debates as rude, rowdy, and disrespectful. He failed to address any of the crucial issues our young MPs brought to light.

This dismissive attitude mirrors the arrogance of Ruto, who is rapidly losing his grip on power due to his disregard for the youth. Ramaphosa should take a hard lesson from this and recognise the urgent need to engage with the voices of the younger generation.

The EFF urges the youth of Kenya to stay strong in their fight for economic justice.

Their bravery and determination serve as a beacon of hope and a call to action for all oppressed people. The EFF remains committed to supporting all efforts to achieve economic freedom and true liberation for the youth of Africa.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 22 July 2024