“Zanu PF in plot to unleash violence”

Statement issued by the Movement for Democratic Change April 7 2008

The regime has begun putting in place the machinery to unleash violence and to engage in vote buying ahead of an anticipated run-off.

Stung by the victory of Presdient Morgan Tsvangrai in the Presidential election, Zanu PF has enlisted the services of the central bank chief Gideon Gono to work with selected individuals in sponsoring a wave of violence and vote-buying. Those at the apex of the plot team are reportedly said to be Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander General Constantine Chiwenga, Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri, Zanu PF politburo member Saviour Kasukuwere and Mugabe's spokesman, George Charamba.

Indeed, the MDC has it on good authority that the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has been printing quadrillions of dollars, starting last Friday, to sponsor a massive terror and vote-buying campaign. Violence has already begun on the farms in Masvingo and other provinces on the backdrop of a propaganda campaign that the MDC wants to return land to the whites while war veterans have been provided with 300 vehicles to spearhead the terror programme nationally.

The MDC is concerned and worried by the central bank's involvement in this dangerous political project. Apart from destabilising the peace and tranquillity so far prevailing, the irresponsible act of printing money by the central bank governor will destroy whatever has remained in this economy.

We would like to warn the RBZ governor to desist from his actions, which are meant to derail the people's wishes and aspirations as expressed in last week's election. The people of Zimbabwe have overwhelmingly voted for the MDC and President Morgan Tsvangirai. The people's project cannot be derailed. No one can stand between the people and their vision for a new Zimbabwe and a new beginning. Victory belongs to the people.

Statement issued by the MDC Information and Publicity Department April 7 2008