The triumphant narrative that's emerged from the settler colonial regime's notorious Polish-born war criminal Mileikowsky known as Benjamin Netanyahu, following his latest cosy meeting with Anthony Blinken on the so-called "Ceasefire Deal", is that he has accepted it.
Blinken in turn confirmed that his talks were "successful", meaning that the trap set up by the Biden Administration in cahoots with the Zionist regime to ensnare Hamas, has been approved by Mileikowsky-Netanyahu.
What both fail to acknowledge is that the reservation expressed by Hamas is entirely legitimate.
An honest objective analysis of Hamas' rejection will reveal that it is due to the imposition of Israeli demands incorporated into the text which detracts from the original May 31 proposal.
It is absurd and irrational to expect Hamas to agree to the "new conditions" added by Israel, for it will have the effect of allowing the horrific genocide to continue in Gaza, by providing a "green light" to Mileikowsky-Netanyahu and his war criminal thugs to annihilate Palestinians.
The missing component in the US/Israel narrative that parts of mainstream media has unfairly chosen to ignore, is that