Zuma is playing Russian Roulette with our economy – Natasha Mazzone

DA says we cannot trust the president to turn SOE's around and ensure confidence is restored

Moody’s SOE review: Jacob Zuma is playing Russian Roulette with our economy

15 September 2016 

Moody’s decision to review state-owned entities (SOE) investment grade status must be a wake-up call for South Africa.

We simply cannot trust Jacob Zuma - who has presided over a weakening economy, state capture, and numerous corruption scandals - to turn our SOE’s around and ensure confidence is restored.

The bottom line is that Jacob Zuma is playing Russian Roulette with our economy, and the millions of jobs that depend on it.

If the Moody review really matters to the government, then Jacob Zuma must be moved as far away from managing SOE’s as possible, and urgently. Job creation is too important to gamble with.

Issued by Natasha Mazzone, DA Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises, 15 September 2016