Zuma must fire Cele, Mthethwa and Mahlangu-Nkabinde - COPE

Phillip Dexter says full inquiry needed into possible racketeering and corruption

After the Public Protector's report finding that General Bheki Cele's procurement of new police headquarters amounts to maladministration, the Congress of the People calls for Cele to immediately resign, or for President Jacob Zuma to fire him, along with Minister of Public Works, Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde and Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa.

The leases for the proposed new police headquarters are valued at three times the market value. This raises the alarm bells as far as accountability for public funds is concerned and it begs the question - who was complicit in what appears to be an attempt to launder R80 million in taxpayers money?

Instead of General Cele using the police to intimidate and harass those with whom he is not comfortable, he should be using his position to improve the working conditions of police men and women. Instead of attempting to improperly allocate resources in shady business deals, the General should have used this money to improve law enforcement in South Africa.

That this has happened under the watch of Mthethwa, Mahlangu-Nkabinde and indeed President Zuma is unacceptable. President Zuma must protect what little integrity his administration has left by firing these officials and instituting a full independent inquiry to investigate possible racketeering and corruption.

The Congress of the People further thanks Public Protector Thuli Madonsela for truly living up to the title of her office.

Statement issued by COPE Head of Communications - Phillip Dexter, July 17 2011

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