Zuma's sick note dealt with inhumanely - ANCWL

League says media has used incident to strip the ex-President of his dignity


6 January 2020

The African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) has noted the recent sick note issue and the subsequent warrant of arrest issued by judge Pillay against former President Jacob Zurna. As the ANCWL we respect the independence of the judiciary - which is a fundamental principle of our democracy. Our constitutional and legislative mechanisms and principles must be upheld by all at all times.

However, we are gravely concerned with how this issue has turned into an opportunity for some, including the media to strip former President Zuma of his dignity as a person. This statement does not intend to interfere with any legal processes but seeks to express concerns over the inhumane manner in which this legal matter is handled. As Africans we respect life, therefore we sympathize and support those who encounter illnesses. We believe that court processes should never be interpreted in a manner that stnps anyone of their dignity.

We believe that the process could have been handled differently as far as verifying the authenticity of the sick note and issuing of a warrant of arrest. We find displeasure that a warrant was issued against someone who continued to avail himself to the courts. Comrade Zuma has always looked forward to having his day in court and has never displayed any intentions to avoid the courts. We have noted all concerns on the matter and we also acknowledge those who consider this to be politically motivated. As a nation we need to take any allegations of our judiciary being used for political victimization of others.

As the ANCWL we call on all South Africans to consider our constitutional principle of "Equal Before the Law", also translates to everyone being treated fairly and just as any other person before the law. As much as no one is above reproach, no one should be treated as a second class citizen by the law. NO one deserves to be vilified whilst in ailing condition. We urge all our members and supporters not to participate in any unjust jamboree to embarrass former president Zuma and disregarding his health conditions. We are Africans and we respect the principles of being sympathetic to anyone who is troubled by sickness.

Issued by Meokgo Matuba, ANCWL Secretary General, 7 February 2020