Open Letter to Desmond Tutu: A comment

George Palmer asks whether the Archbishop remains an African nationalist at heart?

I thought Stanley Uys's gentle chiding of Desmond Tutu was brilliant. He really put the Arch on the spot.

Can the explanation for Tutu contemplating not exercising his vote be that he remains an African nationalist at heart and can't contemplate voting for any other Party than a Zuma-led ANC or its rival?

I believe everyone who cherishes democracy, equity and the rule of law has an obligation to vote in national elections. By so doing we honour those who, over the centuries, have sacrificed their lives in the struggle against tyranny so that we may enjoy our precious freedoms.

When we cast our votes we also remind those to whom we temporarily pass the reins of government that they too will be held accountable in the following election for what they do in our name. To refrain from voting because none of the parties are without flaws is to abdicate the responsibility every citizen has to participate in - and thereby strengthen - one of the pillars of democracy.

I find it difficult to believe Tutu is pondering sacrificing his vote simply because he feels neither the Mbeki wing nor the Zuma wing of today's ANC deserves support yet he can't bring himself to vote for the main opposition Democratic Alliance because it happens to be led by a White person.

If that were the case, as Uys says, it would show he is being driven more by ethnicity than principle.

Let's hope he provides a more convincing explanation in a Comment.

Even better, that having read Uys, he says he's changed his mind and now intends to vote.

George Palmer