SA business can and should help usher in democracy in Zimbabwe

Vince Musewe calls on companies to give paid leave to Zimbabwean employees to return home to vote

Corporate SA can help usher democracy in Zimbabwe

South Africans must realize that democracy in Zimbabwe is in their interest.

It was around last week, that I had an interesting conversation with a South African, who suggested that, South African companies can definitely contribute to the achievement of democracy in Zimbabwe.

I agreed that it would be a good idea for South African companies to give a week or two of paid leave to their Zimbabwean employees to come home and vote during the elections, without losing their jobs. It is estimated that there are about 3 million Zimbabweans in South Africa, and they certainly can make all the difference. They are certainly more than the 1.6 million ghost names found on our voter's roll.

South Africans must realize that democracy in Zimbabwe is in their interest because, if Zimbabwe's economy is successful, so will South Africa's. In addition, the return of Zimbabweans to a democratic Zimbabwe in the future will create millions of new job opportunities for South Africans, especially in the hospitality industry.

I therefore encourage all progressive South African employers, to help us here in Zimbabwe and make sure that every Zimbabwean they know is encouraged to come home and vote. If necessary, please bus them home, so that we can see a new democratic government emerge.

Of course, one issue is that, they must not lose their jobs if they come home, and that they will be able to return to South Africa after the elections if they so wish. So it will have to be a well coordinated initiative but it's certainly doable and important to us all. No doubt ZANU (PF) would do all it can to try and sabotage the effort , that wouldn't be out of character would it?

Let us all take responsibility and contribute towards the change we want to see.

Vince Musewe is an economic analyst based in Harare. You may contact him on [email protected]

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