Zimbabwe's energy crisis

Vince Musewe says country stopped investing in new generation capacity in 1984

Zimbabwe energy crisis: African solutions to an African problem?

Government has a reputation of structuring policy around individuals and no wonder why for 28 years, we have had free riders in the energy ministry.

A couple of weeks back, the Minister of Energy, Elton Mangoma, informed us on what he is doing to fix the energy crisis in Zimbabwe. I have studied his speech and must comment on it especially on his short term solutions.

I note that it is since 1984, that Zimbabwe stopped investing in new generation capacity in the energy sector. That was only 4 years after independence meaning that for 28 years, no body anticipated that the system would someday break down or be inadequate to meet our needs. This means that for 28 years, even though we have had a minister occupying the energy portfolio, he has been getting paid for doing nothing. Well there is no revelation in that statement.

Now hear this, the Hwange power station has been operating much below capacity (between 300 and 500MW) out of a potential capacity of 900MW. Those responsible for fixing the problem forgot to fix ancillary machinery while focusing on the rotor and now that the rotor is fixed, they must still attend to the ancillary equipment. As a result we still have low capacity utilization of the power station.

Clearly we have had serious mismanagement from all those involved including ZESA. The minister alludes to this fact whether ZESA is likely be an acceptable partner in the purchasing of solar generated power from independent power producers. In my opinion, the old model with ZESA in the middle has caused so much pain for everyone and its time we came up with innovative and more efficient distribution model especially for solar power generation and distribution. In my view restructuring and chunking ZESA, as the minister announced, will not change the nature of the beast. It merely means we will have more egos involved more perks to pay and more jobs for pals.

On the issue of solar panels for homes, I think that it is a good idea to ensure that these are affordable. I do think however, that we continue to seriously under rate the solar power solution. We need to be more aggressive in the use of solar power both for residential and industrial use.

For example, the ministry of energy can put in an incentive for homes to convert. For example, write off an agreed cost of a home solar power system against any debt owed to ZESA or provide a subsidy? We could also make it law that any new residential developments must have solar water heating systems as water heating is a significant cost. Where possible, we must encourage homes to be completely off grid thus reducing the demand at all times and not just during the day as the minister suggests.

In the case of companies, they can invest in solar power plants and be able to, for example, get tax benefits for doing so or sell that power back to the grid.

On the issue if locally manufactured solar lamps for US$10, which is commendable because I have seen some imported lamps being sold for US$ 40! There has been significant profiteering in this sector and we need to intervene and save the poor from unscrupulous suppliers. We must encourage local manufacture of these and create jobs as the minister intends.

Prepaid meters result in energy saving while improving cash flow for power suppliers. Al though they are not that easy to manage for those that are unable to budget and do not have consistent income, which is the case for most Zimbabweans, they remove doubt and suspicions as long as the company that manages them is a credible one. Minister, why did we have to include foreign companies in this process? Surely there are enough qualified Zimbabweans who can run prepaid meter platforms?

There is still some education necessary when it comes to domestic use of gas. I noted that those in the townships re reverting to paraffin which is sad development. Again here I see that a Zambian has been appointed to assist us? There are millions of qualified Zimbabwean engineers in the Diaspora who can surely do the research and come up with the necessary solutions.

Overall I think the minister has done his home work but it is very important that we find quick short term solutions and he cannot do this on his own without users contributing to save energy.

The fundamental challenge we face is that of information and awareness within our communities on the importance of energy to our well being as a country. Energy saving must be a community driven campaign and I see nothing on that front in the ministers plans.

Last but not least is the use of CFLs' in Zimbabwe. I am led to believe that these contain mercury and are harmful to the environment. LED lighting is the new way and shouldn't we go that route now to avoid unnecessary future costs?

I do hope that in the event that if the minister is promoted in the future, we do get some continuity in policy on whoever takes over. Government has a reputation of structuring policy around individuals and no wonder why for 28 years we have had free riders in the ministry.

Vince Musewe is an independent economist currently in Harare and you may contact him on [email protected]

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