ANCWL statement on taxi strike against white monopoly capital
15 June 2017
The African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) welcomes a decision by the taxi industry to wage a revolutionary war against white monopoly capital which is sucking the blood and sweat of the taxi owners who are black in majority. Whilst the taxi industry annual revenue is estimated at over R40 billion, taxi owners remain in the periphery of the economy and the beneficiaries of this lucrative industry remains car dealers, vehicle financers and vehicle insurance companies which are largely white owned.
The ANCWL might not agree with the method used by the taxi industry to fire the first and last warning shot to white monopoly capital as the method might have inconvenienced the majority of the poor and working class in reaching their work places. However we support their demands that there must be fundamental change in the structures, institutions and patterns of ownership in taxi car manufacturers, taxi vehicle finances and insurances to include taxi owners.
The ANCWL will seek a meeting with the women's structures in the taxi industry to discuss a joint programme that will champion amongst others:
-combating of any form of discrimination of women in the taxi industry by car dealers, vehicle financers and insurances.