ANC sends criminals to Parliament; BOSA will send them to jail – Mmusi Maimane

Zondo Commission Report named at least 97 ANC members who embroiled themselves in nefarious acts

The ANC sends criminals to Parliament. BOSA will send criminals to jail

14 May 2024

Note to Editors: the following remarks were made today by BOSA Leader, Mmusi Maimane, at the unveiling of the party’s latest election billboard in the Johannesburg CBD. 

Today we officially unveil our most recent billboard here in the heart of Johannesburg just 15 days before this year’s all-important elections. The message of this billboard is directed at the governing party, the ANC, and the message is: STOP SENDING CRIMINALS TO PARLIAMENT.

Parliament is our country’s highest lawmaking institution. It should be occupied by individuals who embody integrity and espouse ethical leadership. Those who have the honour of holding a seat in Parliament require skills, experience, diversity and passion to serve the people of South Africa.

Yet the ANC does not accept this. While it is aware of its tarnished image of corruption, nepotism and general malfeasance, the ANC keeps on telling us who they really are.

Voters can tell who the ANC really is by those nominated to go to Parliament on their lists. The Zondo Commission Report into State Capture named at least 97 ANC members who – in some way or another – embroiled themselves in nefarious acts against the people of South Africa. 

The report fingers – amongst others – Gwede Mantashe, Nomvula Mokonyane, Dudu Myeni, Sfiso Buthelezi, Winnie Ngwenya, Cedric Frolick, Malusi Gigaba, Thabang Makwetla, David Mahlobo, Snuki Zikalala, Bejani Chauke, Andries Nel and Zizi Kodwa.

These – along with many others - have made it onto the ANCs lists for Parliament and Provincial Legislatures. Instead of being punished for their corrupt deeds, they are promoted.

This is the ethos of the ANC which needs to be removed from governance in South Africa. Today we send a clear and truthful message to voters ahead of the elections: While the ANC sends criminals to Parliament, BOSA will send criminals to jail. And you can trust us on this promise.

The ANCs lists and BOSAs lists are fundamentally distinct. One of our core pledges to the people of South Africa is to improve the quality of elected representatives in government and improve their relationship with the public.

That is why our lists are rich in new faces and fresh blood; a fresh cohort of passionate and ethical South Africans to stand up and serve their country in our lawmaking bodies.

BOSA candidates are community candidates. They are chosen by communities to appear on the voting ballot and are dependent on communities to get into government. We believe this unique offer is what sets BOSA apart from the rest of the pack.

Having the right mix of Members of Parliament (MPs) is crucial, however there are many gaps in the current legal framework that allows those accused of corruption to avoid prosecution.

Part of our plan to corruption-proof the government is (1) to establish Specialised Corruption Courts, with the mandate to investigate and prosecute corruption in the public and private sector, and (2) to change the law to a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison if convicted of corruption.

These interventions strengthen the state’s ability to move from allegations to meaningful prosecution and, where applicable, jail time.

Finally, BOSA will work in Parliament to replace the current electoral system to a constituency-based system, ensure the President can make more cabinet appointments from the public, and allow for the direct election of the President.

The good news is that South Africa is on the precipice of change.

Support for the old parties decreases every year. Votes for ANC are going down each election. Votes for the DA are going down each election.

South Africans are clear: they want a new vision and a trusted alternative to build a new South Africa.

This election offers South Africans real change. And that change begins with a vote for BOSA.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 14 May 2024