ANCYL welcomes GNU initiative

This will foster multi-party cooperation, building on SA's rich history of political collaboration, says League


7 June 2024

The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) welcomes the decisions and resolutions articulated by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his closing remarks at the special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting held at the Birchwood Conference Centre, Ekurhuleni.

The ANCYL applauds the ANC NEC for its thorough deliberation on the 2024 election outcomes and its commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing our nation and recognizing the will of the South African people and the mandate they have given the ANC to continue leading our country.

In the 2024 elections, 12,698,759 South Africans voted for the ANC on the national and regional ballots. These elections were free and fair, reflecting the democratic will of the people. The political landscape has changed, and the ANC recognizes this new reality. As we move forward, the ANC remains committed to advocating for the achievement of the National Democratic Revolution (NDR).

We commend the ANC for its strategic and inclusive approach to forming a Government of National Unity (GNU). This decision reflects the ANC's dedication to unity, stability, and progress. The ANCYL fully supports the NEC's efforts to engage with other political parties and social partners to forge a common path forward for our country.

A Government of National Unity is a govemment formed by different political parties, often including those from across the political spectrum, to ensure broad representation and cooperation in governance. This type of government is established to foster unity and stability, particularly in times when no party received a majority of votes.

The Govemment of National Unity (GNU) will be instrumental in moving our country forward post-2024 elections by promoting unity and stability, bringing together diverse political parties and social partners to foster a collaborative environment aimed at ensuring national unity and stability.

The ANCYL is calling for any party which will be forming part in the GNU to put a high focus on the issues of youth unemployment, higher education, crime and drug abuse.

We look forward to the GNU which will drive inclusive economic growth, building an economy that benefits all South Africans, particularly the youth. It will prioritize effective service delivery to meet the needs of all citizens, ensuring that essential services reach every comer of the country.

The GNU must implement robust measures to tackle crime and corruption, restoring public trust in government institutions and promoting a safer, more just society. Continuing the ANC's progressive agenda, the GNU will advance social and economic transformation, upholding the principles of non-racialism, non-sexism, and social justice.

Lastly, the GNU will foster a multi-party cooperation, building on South Africa's rich history of political collaboration, and drawing on the strengths of various parties to address the nation's challenges effectively.

We believe that a GNU, guided by principles of democracy, non-racialism, and non-sexism, will be instrumental in overcoming the severe challenges facing our nation.


Issued by the African National Congress Youth League, 7 June 2024