Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger on road to self-determination – EFF

Fighters salute countries for signing a confederation treaty as this signifies a monumental shift away from Western control

EFF statement on Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger signing a Confederation Treaty

7 July 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) salutes Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger for their decisive move for self-determination in signing the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) confederation treaty. This bold step towards greater integration signifies a monumental shift away from Western control, showcasing the resolve of new, young leaders to rid their countries of neo-colonialism and reclaim their sovereignty.

In recent years, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have emerged as beacons of resistance against imperialist domination. Each nation has bravely navigated military takeovers, rejecting the exploitative structures imposed by former colonial powers and their proxies. The signing of the confederation treaty is a clear message to the imperialists: these nations will not be controlled, and they are forging new political alliances that prioritise development and autonomy of their people.

In August 2021 , in Mali, Colonel Assimi Goita seized power and established a new era of governance. This was a decisive move to end the economic thuggery of former colonial ruler France.

Captain Ibrahim Traore spearheaded the Government take-over in September 2022, driven by a vision of liberating Burkina Faso from neo-colonial exploitation. Traore's leadership has been instrumental in reclaiming the nation's resources and steering it towards self-determination. In Niger, General Abdourahmane Tchiani positioned Niger on a path of independence and resistance against Western exploitation in July 2023. Tchiani's leadership has alvanised the nation to challenge the status quo and seek alliances that serve the interests of its people and development of Niger.

The withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in January 2024 marked a pivotal moment for these nations. ECOWAS, a proxy for Western interests, has been criticised for its directives dictated by foreign powers, highlighting the necessity of an alliance rooted in African solidarity.

The formation of the AES is a powerful testament to the commitment of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger to its sovereignty. Captain Traore aptly stated, "Westemers consider that we belong to them and our wealth also belongs to them. This era is gone forever.

Our resources will remain for us and our population." Westem powers have historically exploited African states, perpetuating and fuelling conflicts, such as those in the DRC and Sudan, to steal resources leaving Africans in dire poverty with little or no infrastructure and economic development.

As a result, in a resolute and revolutionary move, these States have also expelled French troops, companies, and institutions, as well as American naval bases intended for intelligence gathering. This decisive action further cements their determination to break free from foreign military presence and control, demonstrating their commitment to sovereignty and self-determination.

The EFF stands in solidarity with the people and leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger on their transformative joumey. The confederation treaty is not just a political manoeuvre; it is a powerful declaration of African independence. These nations are setting a precedent for the rest of Africa, demonstrating that political and economic liberation is achievable in our lifetime with steadfast resolve and collective action.

We applaud the leaders for their commitment to their people and their courageous defiance of neo-colonialism. The EFF remains a staunch ally in the fight for economic freedom and self-determination across the continent. Together, we will continue to challenge the remnants of colonial exploitation and build an integrated Africa whose vast mineral wealth serves as economic freedom for the African child.

To the African youth, from Cape to Cairo, from Morocco to Madagascar, and in the diaspora, let us be at the forefront of ridding our continent of all imperialist worshipping leaders. Let us elect and install African leaders guided by Pan-Africanism, and let us work to protect these leaders from the western economic mafias.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 7 July 2024