Call for ethics probe in Gauteng Legislature corruption scandal - Solly Msimanga

DA PL says forensic investigation shows senior ANC officials prioritised electoral ambitions over public accountability

DA calls for immediate resignations and ethics probe in Gauteng Legislature corruption scandal

20 September 2024

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) demands the immediate resignation of the former Speaker, Ntombi Mekgwe, Deputy Speaker Nomvuyo Mhlakaza-Manamela, and ANC Chief Whip Lesego Makhubela.

Following the recent revelations of political interference, corruption, and the deliberate suppression of justice within the GPL. The actions of the then Speaker Ntombi Mekgwe and other senior ANC officials to halt disciplinary processes into allegations of fraud and wasteful expenditure involving 32 employees and two MPLs, at the expense of the public purse, represent a gross abuse of power.

The findings of the forensic investigation, initiated by former Secretary Peter Skosana, clearly show that senior ANC officials prioritised their party's electoral ambitions over public accountability and good governance. Mr. Skosana's dismissal for his attempts to recover public funds is not only shameful but also indicative of how far the ANC is willing to go to protect those implicated in corruption.

These three implicated members of the GPL must do the honourable thing and resign from their respective positions immediately. Their continued presence in these roles makes a mockery of the legislature’s responsibility to ensure accountability and transparency.

In addition, the DA will be submitting an urgent ethics complaint against these individuals involved in this corrupt interference. We will not allow those entrusted with public office to escape accountability for their actions. The people of Gauteng deserve better from their leaders, and the DA remains committed to holding those in power accountable.

The DA believes that no public institution should be used to protect political interests at the expense of accountability. The ANC's blatant interference in executive and administrative processes undermines the integrity of the GPL and its mandate to serve the people of Gauteng.

Issued by Solly Msimanga, DA Gauteng Leader of the Official Opposition, 20 September 2024