Hawks nail 5th cash-in-transit heist kingpin

Sibusiso Xulu arrested in Richards bay in connection with R4m worth of robberies

KZN cash-in-transit key suspect arrested in richards bay

The name that sowed terror among employees of a security company G4S in KwaZulu-Natal, Sibusiso Xulu, has been arrested.

His arrest in Richards Bay earlier today now brings to five the number of people who police believe to be the masterminds of cash-in-transit heists who have been arrested by the Hawks crack team.

Ten of the most dangerous criminals had been identified by the team which pledged to bring all of them in in 10 days.   

That means the SAPS specialized Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations will have to find the other five outstanding suspects in the next five days - a tall order indeed but the unit still believes the target is within reach.

Xulu is a former employee of G4S security.

Police believe that he was instrumental in the company losing over R4-million in at least three incidences in Mandini in 2008, Empangeni and Melmoth in 2009.

His modus operandi allegedly involved him intimidating the drivers of the vans to "hand over" cash to other people at predetermined areas and then falsely report that they had been hijacked.

Police also believe that he bought his fleet of taxis with proceeds with his ill-gotten gains and to this end have directed the Asset Forfeiture Unit to look into  attaching these and other assets he may own.

He was arrested in Richards Bay and is expected to appear in court on Friday.

Statement issued on behalf of the South African Police Service by Musa Zondi, January 26 2010

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