IEC crash warrants thorough investigation – EFF

Fighters say crashing of the dashboard highlights the incompetence and inability of the IEC to safeguard our democracy

EFF statement on the crash of the IEC results dashboard

31 May 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes, with great concern, that the IEC results dashboard was offline for almost two hours. The crashing of the dashboard highlights the incompetence and inability of the IEC to safeguard our democracy.

This incompetence was first witnessed on the voting day, where the VMD machines were not fully functional in many voting stations across the country. This resulted in long lines and a longer voting process which were not properly managed by the institution.

The crash of the results dashboard for such a historical election is concerning and warrants a thorough investigation to ensure transparency and integrity in the electoral process. We call on the IEC to act swiftly in rectifying any technical problems which may arise during this time to maintain public trust in the democratic process.

The EFF calls upon all our deployees at IEC Capturing Centres to be on high alert and report any mischievous developments, as they are the last line of defence.

Issued by Sixolise Gcilishe, Elections Spokesperson, EFF, 31 May 2024