Failure of IEC voters’ roll machines concerning - EFF

Fighters say this is endangering our democratic process

EFF statement on the failure of IEC voters’ roll machines

29 May 2024

The EFF notes, with urgent concern, the failure of IEC voters roll machines in several voting stations across the country. This has led to the resolution by the organisation to use the physical voters roll, which is gravely worrying as it takes time as well as compromises the accuracy of the voting system.

Additionally, the EFF is getting reports on the slow process of voting which is leading many people to give up and go home or to their respective workplaces.

This is endangering our democratic process. The EFF hopes there is a genuine glitch in the system and this is not a ploy by the IEC for an unplanned second day of voting and having ballots sleep over in the homes of presiding officers.

The EFF calls on the IEC to urgently attend to this issue and have the system back online as soon as possible to avoid compromising this critical election.

Furthermore, we call on all Fighters and supporters of the EFF to exercise patience in this regard, and to remember that the opportunity to install competent leadership will be worth the wait.

Issued by Sixolise Gcilishe, Elections Spokesperson, EFF, 29 May 2024