"Magnus Heystek: February’s probable greylisting of SA likely to spark a run on currency, shares, bonds" - BizNews

And four other top stories on the business news website, 10 September 2022

JOHANNESBURG – The five best-read stories on Monday 10 September 2022

1. Magnus Heystek: February’s probable greylisting of SA likely to spark a run on currency, shares, bonds

2. JZ’s private prosecution of Downer and Maughan set for Feb 2023

3. Mmusi Maimane, self-styled ‘Man in the Arena’, targets 5m voters for new political party BOSA

4. Don’t like paying for electricity? – become a cabinet minister 

5. South Africans must keep fighting to overcome second-rate service is one of South Africa’s leading business news websites. Founded by internet publishing pioneer and broadcaster Alec Hogg, specializes in providing news and expert opinion on money and investments. is a remote company and all employees can be found on email, it’s their first name eg. [email protected]