NPA’s sale of justice strongly objected to – EFF

Minister of Justice, Ronald Lamola has accepted R43m from private donors for prosecutions

EFF reiterates its objection to the NPA opening the doors of justice for sale

21 June 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) reiterates its strong opposition to the National Prosecuting Authority's (NPA) sale of justice through external donor-funding, which has reportedly now reached R43 million. We vehemently oppose the NPA's audacious decision to expose itself to glaring conflicts of interest, blatant influence, and flagrant compromises to the sacred principles of impartiality and fairness in the prosecutorial process.

Despite sound objections from both the EFF and justice loving South Africans, the Minister of Justice, Ronald Lamola has accepted R43-million from private donors.

The promised amended NPA donor funding policy guidelines have not been finalised, however deals have been signed with entities such as Business Leadership SA, along with other in-kind donations coming in from private donors.

The ANC Government continuously engages in excessive fruitless expenditure as we have witnessed in the State Capture Commission. This Commission was a daily horror soap opera to the tune of RI-Billion with no tangible results. So there are sufficient state resources for NPA to operate optimally. However, the ANC is incapable of governing effectively.

The Public Prosecutor and Attorney-General must immediately publish all donors of the R43-million as this is a matter of public interest. Any donor who has requested anonymity clearly does not have the best interests of justice at their core. It is best that they divert their donations to the eradication of pit toilets in schools.

All justice institutions must be fully funded by the state, ensuring their autonomy and enabling them to carry out their duties without external pressures and influence.

The NPA's insistence on receiving external funding is an egregious decision that will irrevocably undermine justice, perverting its very essence, and transforming it into a tool wielded by the wealthy and powerful. The EFF will consider legal and parliamentary options to halt the insidious infiltration of our justice system by private donors.

Under Cyril Ramaphosa's presidency, transparency has been grievously absent, surpassing any other era in recent memory. As 2024 approaches, it is imperative for the people of South Africa to rise in defence of their justice system, and unyieldingly vote out those who brazenly jeopardise the sanctity of constitutional institutions that serve as the bedrock of democracy.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 21 June 2023