Rape and murder of an 8-day old baby enraging – EFF

Ruthless act bears reference to hatred men have for women, to extent that a father could rape his own daughter

EFF statement on the gruesome rape and murder of an 8-day old baby

19 June 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is enraged by the report of the brutal rape and murder of an 8-day old baby in Carletonville, Gauteng, perpetrated by the infant's father.

The accused took his baby from the mother and left the premises, only to return later with the baby naked and injured. The mother of the infant took the baby to the nearest medical facility where it was discovered that the infant was raped, and later died.

The father was arrested and charged with rape and murder and is currently in custody.

This ruthless act bears reference to the hatred men have against women, to the extent that a father could rape his own 8-day old daughter. The National Prosecuting Agency (NPA) has vowed to oppose bail when the accused appears in court, which the EFF supports.

Our nation is now festered with fathers who neglect, abuse, and violently rape and murder children, even their own children are not spared.

Children are the most vulnerable in our society and yet the recent crime statistics have shown an increase in the violent crimes against children. In the first quarter of the year, 246 children were murdered, while 260 faced attempted murder, and 1 931 suffered assault with grievous bodily harm.

This level of crimes against children, particularly in the home, is extreme and requires urgent attention. government needs to prioritise the implementation and enforcement of existing legislation aimed at protecting children, be strict in denying bail, and enforce harsher minimum sentences for perpetrators.

The EFF reiterates that as long as there is an ANC Government, the rape of new-borns will spiral because of the justice system's perpetual failures, and its harbouring of predators. The ANC President, Cyril Ramaphosa appointed Raymond Zondo as Chief Justice after Zondo insisted on using the services of a charged serial child rapist, Acting Judge Paul Kennedy, for the State Capture Commission.

Kennedy was on bail for over 700 charges related to child rape, and operating a child rape, trafficking and pomography syndicate. His co-accused was recently found guilty in this regard. It has long been written on the wall that the ANC Govemment is in the business of clear criminality. Hence, it must be removed if our children are ever to breathe.

We extend our sympathies to the mother and family of the infant, and vow to join your fight for justice.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, 19 June 2023