Outstanding monies owed to AG concerning – EFF

Fighters say this delinquency, amounting to just over R1bn, undermines the essential role of the of the AG

EFF statement regarding outstanding monies owed to the Auditor-General by auditees

2 September 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) expresses grave concern over the substantial outstanding monies owed to the office of the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) by various auditees. This delinquency, amounting to just over R1 billion, is not only a breach of the fiduciary responsibilities of these entities but also undermines the essential role of the Auditor-General in ensuring transparency, accountability, and good governance within our public institutions and Municipalities .

The EFF views this failure to settle audit fees as a direct threat to the financial sustainability of the AGSA, which relies on these payments to continue its critical work of safeguarding the public interest. The Auditor-General's office plays a pivotal role in promoting accountability by auditing and reporting on the financial management of government departments, municipalities, and public entities. The inability or unwillingness of auditees to fulfil their obligations compromises the AGSA's capacity to execute its mandate effectively.

The EFF demands an immediate resolution to this matter, with all outstanding amounts being settled without further delay. We will not hesitate to take necessary steps to hold those responsible accountable, including pursuing legislative avenues to ensure that such arrears do not persist. The EFF recommends the prioritisation of the financial stability of the Auditor-General's office by enforcing stricter compliance measures against those who fail to pay their dues. This situation cannot be allowed to persist, as it poses a significant risk to the principles of good governance and accountability in South Africa.

The EFF will continue to monitor this issue closely and will hold all involved parties to account to ensure that the integrity of the Auditor-General's office is upheld.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 2 September 2024