Call on fighters to renew party membership – EFF WCape

Party says it has huge potential in this province and primarily, it needs a committed, focused and calm leadership

EFF Western Cape statement on the renewal of party membership and the upcoming National People’s Assembly

21 August 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters in the Western Cape wishes to reaffirm and solidify its unwavering commitment and devotion to the Economic Freedom Fighters and to relentlessly grow, recruit and mobilize members of society towards the only dependable vehicle towards Economic Freedom. The EFF, like any other organization, faces a trying moment which tests and defines the character, identity and the strength other roots of our young 11 -year-old movement which is led by the capable, President Julius Malema.

The Commander in Chief, in his reflections in Gauteng before the ground forces, has reaffirmed members of the EFF that the party is an organization that is united by and remains loyal to the seven non-negotiable cardinal pillars as opposed to being a party loyal to members who betray the organization for personal gains, at any given moment. We assure our organization that we are committed to deliver on all the expectations that are anticipated from us as the leadership collective in the Western Cape together with the ground forces of the EFF in our province.

The EFF Western Cape wishes to encourage all branches across the province, to rigorously intensify the renewal of membership amongst fighters and aggressively recruit people who are willing to voluntary commit to the EFF, its organizational structures, ideas, resolutions an ideo-politics. Our organization has a huge potential in this province and primarily, it needs a committed, focused and calm leadership who are not obsessed with self-gratification in the progress and achievements of our mighty organization.

The renewal of membership is integral towards ensuring we have compliant branches in good standing and is an opportunity for loyal members to solemnly swear to always defend the EFF, its leadership and to aptly use Marxist-Leninist-Fanonian schools of thoughts in analysing contemporary politics. We need strong branches to achieve our mandate which is to annihilate racism, landlessness, unemployment, poverty and inequality, especially in Cape Town which has been highlighted as the most unequal city in the world, as is the case with most areas in the Western Cape.

As the upcoming 3rd NPA edges closer, we call upon fighters to close ranks and to leave no room for any infiltration as we seek to re-centre and renew our movement to its founding principles. We call on leaders of the EFF to avoid thinking that the organization is about satisfying their selfish agendas, personal enrichment, their own uncontrollable ambitions for positions of power and organizational deployment. Let us not mourn the departure of those who have turned their back on the snuggle of Economic Freedom but let us double our efforts and ensure that we remain disciplined and focused on building strong branches as we approach the 3rd National People's Assembly.

Issued by Unathi Ntame, Provincial Chairperson, EFF, 21 August 2024