EFF condemns extension granted to Phala Phala panel

Fighters say this is yet another delay tactic as report now cannot be tabled and heard in Parliament this year

EFF condemns the extension granted to the independent panel to investigate Cyril Ramaphosa and Phala Phala farm

16 November 2022

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns the opportunism by both the Speaker of Parliament and the Independent Panel to investigate Phala Phala Farm, as they have connived together to institute an extension for the submission of the Phala Phala report to Parliament.

The Independent Panel was due to submit their report on whether there is prima facie evidence to institute impeachment processes against Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday, 17 November 2022, but has reneged on this deadline and secured an extension to the 30th of November 2022, through the factional and compromised Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-NqakuIa.

The extension effectively means that the report cannot be tabled and heard in Parliament this year, as the fourth term of Parliament ends on the 1st of December 2022. This is yet another delay tactic, objectively to ensure that Ramaphosa is not held accountable before his internal political party elective conference. It is a collusion to protect Ramaphosa from scrutiny and not jeopardise his desire to secure a second term as the leader of the ruling party.

Ramaphosa and his allies are determined to avoid accountability, and the deliberate reluctance to release reports and findings by the Acting Public Protector, the South African Reserve Bank, the National Prosecuting Authority and now the Independent Panel, is part and parcel of the nefarious strategy of delaying justice.

The EFF will work tirelessly to ensure that the Phala Phala Report is tabled before Parliament this year and will exhaust all avenues which may include the convening of an urgent sitting of Parliament to be appraised on whether the President has broken his oath of office.

We are of the firm view that Ramaphosa participated in crimes which include money laundering, abduction, bribery, concealment of a crime and the misuse of state resources to recover his illicit money, and any finding outside of this would be illogical, factional, and not in the interests of accountability and justice.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 16 November 2022