Reports of Zuma-Mdluli links unfounded - Mac Maharaj

President never received a letter accusing four top officers of conspiracy

Unfounded allegations about President Zuma and Lt Gen Mdluli

11 May 2012

The name of President Jacob Zuma has been mentioned in various reports in relation to allegations against Lt Gen Richard Mdluli of the SA Police Service. Some commentators continue to make unfounded allegations about the President's so-called relationship with Lt Gen Mdluli.

The President appoints the National Commissioner of Police, but has no role to play with regards to managers serving under the National Commissioner. For example, as Lieutenant General, Mr Mdluli is a Deputy Director-General, which is a level that the President does not reach in his supervision of government. That is the responsibility of the Minister of Police. 

Several accusations have been made against the President.

The media has alleged that Lt Gen Mdluli gave the President a letter accusing four top police officers of a conspiracy against him. The President has never received such a letter. Neither has the Presidency.

The media has also insinuated that the President wishes to appoint Lt Gen Mdluli as a National Commissioner of Police. General Bheki Cele remains the National Police Commissioner and the President has not announced any intention of appointing a new commissioner.

Recently, a media house went to the extent of publishing that the President had in December attended a party to celebrate Lt Gen Mdluli's acquittal, and that he had telephoned the Inspector General of Intelligence, interfering with the investigation of Lt Gen Mdluli. Both were complete fabrications.

Last year some sections of the media went to great lengths, authoritatively linking the President to personalities who were implicated in the police lease agreements, thereby creating links that did not exist. We wish to urge the media to be cautious and stick to the facts when reporting such matters.

With the regards to the way forward, the Minister of Police has announced the steps that he is taking to attend to the matter relating to Lt Gen Mdluli.

Statement issued by Mac Maharaj, The Presidency, May 11 2012

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