Roman Cabanac comments on controversy

Minister of Agriculture's COS asks those who are against him to afford him the chance to show what he can do in the job


Dear Fellow South Africans,

In recent weeks, there has been heated debate regarding my appointment as Chief of Staff to the Minister of Agriculture. On 1 September, I briefly addressed this on my X page, stating that I accepted the role to contribute to our nation's growth, food security, and economic stability, and that I would work with anyone who shares these goals. However, I realize that more needs to be said.

I acknowledge that some of my past online statements were simplistic and controversial, leading to strong reactions. I understand and respect the concerns which have been raised. I understand and respect the concerns which have been raised, especially considering my new non-partisan role. I remain committed to building a better South Africa for us all.

In the past, I built my brand as a critic of the previous government. I pushed boundaries to gain attention on social media and sometimes made divisive, idle and poorly considered statements in the heat of online journalism. While some of my criticisms were well-founded, I also admit that others were insensitive and provocative, driven by the desire to invite debate.

In 2024, both our country and I changed. It dawned on me that my approach had not been constructive. Judging books by covers is how many online conversations go, and I realised that it is better to help read or write the book than to critique its title. The political landscape shifted, and I acknowledged that it was my first real opportunity to contribute to government affairs in South Africa.

When the chance came, I took it, driven by a genuine desire to help build a better future for all South Africans.

I ask those South Africans who are against me, to reconsider their judgment of me, or to at least afford me the chance to do the job and to evaluate me after it is done, just as they have with others who have faced public scrutiny or even criminal convictions but are working towards the greater good for the sake of the Government of National Unity.

I am committed to working with anyone who shares the goal of a prosperous, united South Africa. Together, we can ensure food security, create jobs, and build a thriving economy.

Yours patriotically

Roman Cabanac