ANC condemns Malema's racial hatred - NWC

Party says it favours judicial inquiry into state capture, due regard must be given to constitutional prescripts


The National Working Committee (NWC) of the African National Congress (ANC) met in an ordinary, scheduled meeting on Monday, 7th November 2016. The meeting considered several issues including amongst them, the funding of higher education, the report of the Public Protector entitled “State of Capture” and the upcoming parliamentary motion of no confidence against the President.

The ANC applauds and wishes well all students who are currently sitting for their year-end examinations. At higher education institutions where there are still incidents of disruptions, the ANC calls for such disruptions to cease, as no student must lose this academic year. We have noted progress made thus far by the Ministerial Task Team to develop a support and funding model for the poor and the working class, including the “Missing Middle” students. Work is also being done to conclude the report of the Heher Commission into the feasibility of funding of higher education. The ANC NEC Sub-Committee on Education and Health has been tasked with continuous engagement with stakeholders within the education sector. 

The ANC has considered the State of Capture report and regards the issues contained therein very serious. The ANC reaffirms its commitment to fighting corruption wherever it is found. It is for this reason, the ANC would have brought this matter to the public domain and sought to internally investigate allegations of state capture. We further made a call on anyone with information regarding these allegations to make such information available to the Public Protector or other appropriate organs of state competent to deal with the matter.

The ANC is of the view however that the observations and remedial actions in the State of Capture report are inconclusive and contain no binding findings conferring guilt on any party. The report of the Public Protector rather calls for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into allegations of improper relationships and involvement of private interests in the running of the affairs of the State. As a matter of principle, the ANC supports the setting up of a Commission of Inquiry, however due regard must be given to the Constitutional prescripts that guide the establishment of such Commission.

It has further come to the attention of the ANC that parties who have been implicated in the report are intending to take the report on judicial review. The ANC cannot therefore pre-empt the outcome of that process, hence the proposals received to convene a Special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting to consider the report were not acceded to. Calls also, for the President to step down using the report as a basis are premature and unfounded.

The ANC has noted the comments made in the public domain by veterans of our movement expressing concern about developments within the country and the ANC. The ANC reiterates our commitment to frank, open and constructive engagement with all parties and individuals who wish to engage and work with us to strengthen the organisation so as to deliver effectively on the aspirations of the South African people. Accordingly, the NWC has resolved to constitute itself as a delegation to meet with the veterans who have indicated the need for a platform of engagement. 

The NWC further received a report that the DA will be tabling a motion of no confidence against the President of the Republic, Comrade Jacob Zuma, on Thursday, 10th November 2016. Section 89 of the Constitution of the Republic gives the DA, like any other party, the constitutional prerogative to call for the removal of the President within the constitutional framework. The DA has now made this an annual and frivolous ritual that is fast losing its meaning.

At least once a year Parliament must be subjected to discussing a motion of no confidence brought by the DA and with no prospect of succeeding. The ANC respects the right of any party to invoke Section 89, however we regard it as a sign of growing arrogance on the part of the opposition that they believe they can command ANC Members of Parliament to vote against the President of the ANC and the Republic. The ANC calls on its representatives in Parliament to once again engage this frivolous motion on the basis of our superior arguments and proven track record of the ANC-led government in changing the lives of our people for the better.

ANC members at all times must resist the temptation to play to the gallery by supporting motions of those opposed to the advancement our revolution. Unlike the hypocritical EFF, which votes with the defenders of white monopoly capital in our councils, then goes outside to speak of imminent “white slaughter”, the ANC remains unwavering in its commitment to the building of a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous society.

We thus condemn in the harshest possible terms calls that incite racial hatred as those of the EFF as they are an antithesis to the values of our Constitutional democracy, which at its core declares “South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.”

Over the past few weeks, the National Executive Committee (NEC) has been visiting various provinces dealing with the disputes emanating from the candidate selection process in the 2016 Local Government Elections. We are making significant progress and have had intense engagements with communities and our structures in this regard and expect to conclude the process soon. This coming weekend, the NEC shall commence with a Political Education programme focused on the principles of selecting leadership for the movement. This is done with the aim of uniting the organisation as we advance towards the 54th National Conference to be held in December 2017.

Tomorrow, 9th November 2016, 15 wards across the country will hold by-elections, the ANC urges all registered voters to come out in their overwhelming numbers to cast their votes.

Statement issued by Gwede Mantashe, ANC Secretary General, 8 November 2016