Investigation into Telkom CEO's dodgy car number plate stalls - Kate Lorimer

DA MPL says Sipho Maseko alleged to have cloned a vehicle registration number, and run up R45 000 in traffic fines

Is ANC still covering up for Telkom CEO?

05 February 2015

The allegations and criminal charges against Telkom CEO, Mr Sipho Maseko, for allegedly cloning the vehicle registration number of Mr Mabena Motshoane and running up traffic fines to the value of over R 45 000, are not being dealt with by either the SAPS, the City of Johannesburg and the Provincial MEC for roads.

On 7 October 2014 I took Mr Motshoane to meet with Provincial Commissioner Lesetja Mothiba as the case was not being properly investigated.  He undertook to handle the investigation himself. 

However, it then emerged that National Police Commissioner, Riah Phiyega wanted to get involved and meet with Mothiba and Mr Maseko. Why would the national commissioner need to get involved in this case?

Needless to say, nothing has happened in this regard.

Last year we  submitted questions to the City of Johannesburg MMC for Safety on the status of the JMPD investigation into this matter, on whether the City manager, Trevor Fowler instructed JMPD officers not to action a search warrant on Maseko's property and whether the traffic fines would be transferred to Mr. Maseko's name. 

I have just received the answers and the MMC has stated that as a case has been opened with the SAPS, JMPD cannot comment on the matter.

Click here to view the response.

This is simply a delaying tactic. Just because a case is open does not stop the City from doing their duty and trying to rectify the situation. JMPD were quoted as saying they had collected enough evidence in the matter to lay charges.  This means they should be able to clear Mr Motshoane's name.

Early in October  last year  I asked similar questions of the MEC for Roads and Transport, Ismail Vadi, as the City of Johannesburg acts as an agent for Provincial Government in the issue and administration of vehicle licenses. 

He answered that his department is not familiar with the case and would need sufficient time to consult the city. To date, we have had no response.

This pattern of obfuscation shows that there is no will on the part of the ANC to resolve this matter.

Mr Motshoane believes he has lost employment opportunities due to the fact he has taken up his own cause with such vigour and that his family have been targeted too.

The ANC is, once again, protecting one of its own.

Statement issued by Kate Lorimer MPL, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Community Safety, February 5 2015

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